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6 Critical Tips to Reduce Stress During Office Relocation

January 3, 2021 | Business Storage

Planning an office relocation can be a stressful affair. For starters, you need to relocate your office equipment. And you also need to coordinate your employees. On top of it, you have to ensure that your business continues to operate while relocating.

To avoid the complications of moving your business from one office location to another, here are six crucial tips that you need to know:

1. Plan your office relocation early

When your office is relocating, it will push back many things going on in your business. Aside from that, there’s enormous logistical management that you have to figure out when relocating.

To ensure that you don’t miss out more than you already are with work, you have to plan early and answer the tough questions now.

You don’t want to make the process any longer than it should be due to poor planning and mismanagement. Ensure that all of your employees get the notification that the office will be relocating. You should also schedule the right appointments with people like the landlord, the movers, and the cleaners.

When you take the time to plan out your office relocation, it will go a lot smoother and finish faster than if you didn’t plan it.

2. Communicate with your employees

As briefly mentioned before, you should make sure that your employees know that relocation is happening in the first place. You don’t want to blindside them when suddenly, it’s the day of the move, so they have to clear their desks.

Any good employer will let their employees know in advance so they can plan for it. After all, the location of the new office will affect their commute to and from work. Your employees will find their office is either nearer or farther than before, so they have to adjust accordingly.

It will also make it a lot easier to plan and address work issues that may lack a proper office environment. You have to know their concerns before they move to the address before you get the ball rolling.

3. Assign a project manager

Although moving offices isn’t directly related to your office generating business, it’s still a project that needs managing. That’s why it might be a good idea to hire a project manager to do this. There are many places you can find a project manager to help you with moving to the office.

You can get a freelance project manager to get an external force to help keep the staff and things going as you move offices. You can also get a member of your team to do it, but you will need to pay them extra for it’s out of their job description.

Once you manage to get a project manager, though, you’ll find that you won’t have to get the headache that comes with moving. Your project manager will do all the wrangling for you.

4. Deep clean your office

Before leaving your old office, make sure that you double-check the terms listed on your lease. Some require you to deep clean your office before you move away so that the office goes back to its original form.

In that case, you should hire a professional cleaning service to get the job done right. Maid Sailors Commercial Cleaning Service New York, recommends deep cleaning the new location before moving in.

Some nooks and crannies can be complicated to clean once you and your employees settled in. So hiring a professional office cleaner before moving your items will be the best course of action.

Plus, it’s always nice to move into an office space that looks sparkling and brand new. It feels like it signifies the fresh start you’re going to be on with your new office.

Although you can do the cleaning yourself, you might not want to spend the time, money, and effort needed to clean the old and new office thoroughly. That’s why a professional cleaning service might be more critical.

5. Hire a professional moving company

Aside from professional cleaners, it would be best if you remembered to hire professional movers to help you move to your new office.

It’s not a good idea to get your employees to do it for you as this task isn’t what you pay them to do, and it can risk injuries. That’s why it’s better to look for and then hire a professional moving company to help you.

They’ll even have a truck up and ready to help move heavier office equipment, unlike if you DIY your way to moving. When you hire movers, you will have an easier time transporting your items to and from the old office to the new one.

Mind you, peace of mind is priceless.

When hiring a professional moving company, make sure that you give them a heads-up when you plan on moving. You have to notify your old landlord and current landlord about the day of the move so that everything is coordinated.

6. Update your address everywhere

The office move isn’t only a matter of physical work. You should also make sure that you do the necessary follow-ups that need to happen in your business.

After moving, the most significant follow-up would be to update your office address. You can start with your website, social media channels, business cards, and other collaterals.

And if your business is listed in any directories, go ahead and update them.

You might also want to make a public post about your different office address if you’re going to do so. Remember to update your utilities as well so that your old address doesn’t get the bills that you need to have.


Office relocation can be stressful, but you can prevent through proper planning and coordination.

The more prepared you are, the fewer issues you’re going to encounter. Plus, the more prepared you are, the less fazed you’re going to be about the hiccups along the way.

With the tips listed above, though, you’re sure to have a smooth transition to the new office.

Author Bio:

Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for Maid Sailors, a top-rated office cleaning service provider. Matched with affordable prices, we can address even the toughest cleaning needs and can turn your workplace into a healthy, safe, and employee-friendly environment.